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 meg + I hate when you say "I hate that song" and someone goes "Well, you have to admit it's catchy" The f*cking plague is catchy, that doesn't mean it's good !

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meg + I hate when you say "I hate that song" and someone goes "Well, you have to admit it's catchy" The f*cking plague is catchy, that doesn't mean it's good ! Empty
MessageSujet: meg + I hate when you say "I hate that song" and someone goes "Well, you have to admit it's catchy" The f*cking plague is catchy, that doesn't mean it's good !   meg + I hate when you say "I hate that song" and someone goes "Well, you have to admit it's catchy" The f*cking plague is catchy, that doesn't mean it's good ! EmptyDim 9 Aoû - 15:33

Megumi Itô

Arden Cho
Né(e) le 15 septembre 1989 à Iowa Park (Texas, USA), j'ai 25 ans et suis de nationalité japonaise et hawaïenne. Si vous voulez en savoir un peu plus sur moi, sachez que je suis plutôt modeste et que je le vis pas trop mal ! Actuellement célibataire, je tiens à préciser que je suis plutôt du genre hétéro... Désolé(e) d'avance pour les cœurs brisés.

Diplôme préparé : DoctoratCycle & année d'étude : Graduate en troisième annéeCursus majeur : BiologieSpécialisation : MicrobiologieCursus mineur : Chant

Personnalité & addictions

Drôle - 70%
Réfléchi(e) - 70%
Créatif(ve) - 85%
Travailleur(euse) - 95%
Fêtard(e) - 80%
Narcissique - 20%
Artiste - 95%
Amical(e) - 90%
Jaloux(se) - 40%
Méfiant(e) - 30%
Sportif(ve) - 20%
Prude - 5%
Généreux(se) - 85%
Têtu(e) - 95%
Hautain(e) - 10%
Séducteur(trice) - 70%
Honnête - 80%
Joueur(euse) - 50%
Alcool : 50%Drogues : 3%Sexe : 65%

Renseignements multiples
Pourquoi avez-vous choisi d'étudier à l'université de Chicago ? Parce que maman voulait que je le fasse. Et franchement, ici ou ailleurs, ça fait pas grande différence. Tant que je reçois une bonne formation, le reste je m'en fous un peu. Et puis bon, Chicago a l'avantage d'être assez éloigné de mon Texas natal, et donc de ma famille, alors ça me convient parfaitement !

Quelles sont vos sources de financement universitaire ? Une bourse en premier lieu. Mais n'étant pas suffisante, j'fais quelques boulots à coté de ça. Genre plongeuse dans un restau, et le weekend je vend des glaces sur la plage. Rien de bien glorieux en somme, mais au moins ça me permet de pas m'en sortir trop mal à la fin du mois. Ha, et si vous me voyez chanter dans la rue, faites pas vos radins et donnez-moi une petite pièce !

Que pensez-vous du système de confrérie ? Ça m'a toujours fasciné en quelque sorte. Un groupe de personnes qui se serrent les coudes, et qui forment une sorte de nouvelle famille. J'trouve ça plutôt cool. Après, je dis pas que j'suis fan de toutes les confréries, il y en a clairement qui sont complètement malades. Les bizutages qui tournent au drame, on en attendant parler régulièrement... Mais c'est comme partout, il y a toujours des extrémistes, c'est pas pour autant qu'il faut toutes les diaboliser.

D'ailleurs, faites-vous partie d'une confrérie ? Si oui, depuis combien de temps ? réponse ici (cette partie est TRÈS importante car c'est elle qui déterminera votre acceptation dans la confrérie choisie. Il faut donc détailler vos motivations pour entrer dans cette confrérie, expliquer pourquoi elle et pas une autre, en quoi vous vous sentez proches de vos frères & soeurs étudiants... Si vous avez plus d'un an d'ancienneté, vous avez déjà passé l'année de bizut ; il convient donc d'en parler afin que l'on sache comment vous y avez survécu. A ce stade, le Doyen ou le président de la confrérie en question viendra poster pour vous dire si oui ou non vous pouvez intégrer cette confrérie ; si oui, vous pourrez continuer votre fiche et parler de votre confrérie dans votre histoire. Si non, vous devrez changer de confrérie et parler de ce rejet dans votre histoire également, tout en replaçant bien évidemment les faits à l'époque où ils ont eu lieu (selon votre ancienneté).)

C'est ici qu'il vous faut nous raconter votre histoire (tout en pensant à y raconter vos premières années à l'université/dans votre confrérie si vous n'êtes pas un petit nouveau, ceci devant être fait une fois que le Doyen ou le président aura validé votre admission dans une confrérie). Un minimum de 30 lignes est demandé ; soignez votre écrit, relisez-vous, soyez réalistes et tout ira bien !

Moi c'est pseudo !
J'ai 00 ans, je suis une fille/un garçon/une licorne/etc et je vis en pays. J'ai découvert le forum découverte ici et je le trouve votre avis ! Sinon, je serai connecté(e) fréquence de connexion et je devrai pourvoir RP environ 0 fois par semaine.

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meg + I hate when you say "I hate that song" and someone goes "Well, you have to admit it's catchy" The f*cking plague is catchy, that doesn't mean it's good ! Empty
MessageSujet: Re: meg + I hate when you say "I hate that song" and someone goes "Well, you have to admit it's catchy" The f*cking plague is catchy, that doesn't mean it's good !   meg + I hate when you say "I hate that song" and someone goes "Well, you have to admit it's catchy" The f*cking plague is catchy, that doesn't mean it's good ! EmptyDim 9 Aoû - 15:34

WELCOME SUR YIU ! I love you
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meg + I hate when you say "I hate that song" and someone goes "Well, you have to admit it's catchy" The f*cking plague is catchy, that doesn't mean it's good ! Empty
MessageSujet: Re: meg + I hate when you say "I hate that song" and someone goes "Well, you have to admit it's catchy" The f*cking plague is catchy, that doesn't mean it's good !   meg + I hate when you say "I hate that song" and someone goes "Well, you have to admit it's catchy" The f*cking plague is catchy, that doesn't mean it's good ! EmptyDim 9 Aoû - 15:39

Merci jolie mademoiselle meg + I hate when you say "I hate that song" and someone goes "Well, you have to admit it's catchy" The f*cking plague is catchy, that doesn't mean it's good ! 2425217757
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meg + I hate when you say "I hate that song" and someone goes "Well, you have to admit it's catchy" The f*cking plague is catchy, that doesn't mean it's good ! Empty
MessageSujet: Re: meg + I hate when you say "I hate that song" and someone goes "Well, you have to admit it's catchy" The f*cking plague is catchy, that doesn't mean it's good !   meg + I hate when you say "I hate that song" and someone goes "Well, you have to admit it's catchy" The f*cking plague is catchy, that doesn't mean it's good ! EmptyDim 9 Aoû - 15:40

arden bave

bienvenuuuuuue meg + I hate when you say "I hate that song" and someone goes "Well, you have to admit it's catchy" The f*cking plague is catchy, that doesn't mean it's good ! 3223503170 meg + I hate when you say "I hate that song" and someone goes "Well, you have to admit it's catchy" The f*cking plague is catchy, that doesn't mean it's good ! 260456032 **
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meg + I hate when you say "I hate that song" and someone goes "Well, you have to admit it's catchy" The f*cking plague is catchy, that doesn't mean it's good ! Empty
MessageSujet: Re: meg + I hate when you say "I hate that song" and someone goes "Well, you have to admit it's catchy" The f*cking plague is catchy, that doesn't mean it's good !   meg + I hate when you say "I hate that song" and someone goes "Well, you have to admit it's catchy" The f*cking plague is catchy, that doesn't mean it's good ! EmptyDim 9 Aoû - 15:55

Bienvenuuuue **
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Lux Ó Cearnaigh

Lux Ó Cearnaigh
Je suis à Chicago depuis le : 03/06/2011 et j'ai déjà rédigé : 3705 messages. J'ai : 24 ans d'après mes amis. Dans la vie, je suis : doctorante (troisième année) en ingénierie, spécialisée en robotique

Feuille de personnage
Choses à savoir sur moi :
Mes amis & mes sorties:

meg + I hate when you say "I hate that song" and someone goes "Well, you have to admit it's catchy" The f*cking plague is catchy, that doesn't mean it's good ! Empty
MessageSujet: Re: meg + I hate when you say "I hate that song" and someone goes "Well, you have to admit it's catchy" The f*cking plague is catchy, that doesn't mean it's good !   meg + I hate when you say "I hate that song" and someone goes "Well, you have to admit it's catchy" The f*cking plague is catchy, that doesn't mean it's good ! EmptyDim 9 Aoû - 15:56

Bienvenue parmi nous, j'espère que tu te plairas ici ! **
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meg + I hate when you say "I hate that song" and someone goes "Well, you have to admit it's catchy" The f*cking plague is catchy, that doesn't mean it's good ! Empty
MessageSujet: Re: meg + I hate when you say "I hate that song" and someone goes "Well, you have to admit it's catchy" The f*cking plague is catchy, that doesn't mean it's good !   meg + I hate when you say "I hate that song" and someone goes "Well, you have to admit it's catchy" The f*cking plague is catchy, that doesn't mean it's good ! EmptyDim 9 Aoû - 16:32

àrden, elle est tellement sublime. meg + I hate when you say "I hate that song" and someone goes "Well, you have to admit it's catchy" The f*cking plague is catchy, that doesn't mean it's good ! 2210928828 bienvenue parmi nous et bon courage pour ta fiche. meg + I hate when you say "I hate that song" and someone goes "Well, you have to admit it's catchy" The f*cking plague is catchy, that doesn't mean it's good ! 260456032
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meg + I hate when you say "I hate that song" and someone goes "Well, you have to admit it's catchy" The f*cking plague is catchy, that doesn't mean it's good ! Empty
MessageSujet: Re: meg + I hate when you say "I hate that song" and someone goes "Well, you have to admit it's catchy" The f*cking plague is catchy, that doesn't mean it's good !   meg + I hate when you say "I hate that song" and someone goes "Well, you have to admit it's catchy" The f*cking plague is catchy, that doesn't mean it's good ! EmptyDim 9 Aoû - 16:35

Excellent choix d'avatar. stress

Bienvenue sur le forum et bonne chance pour ta fiche. **
Si tu as la moindre question, n'hésite surtout pas. I love you
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meg + I hate when you say "I hate that song" and someone goes "Well, you have to admit it's catchy" The f*cking plague is catchy, that doesn't mean it's good ! Empty
MessageSujet: Re: meg + I hate when you say "I hate that song" and someone goes "Well, you have to admit it's catchy" The f*cking plague is catchy, that doesn't mean it's good !   meg + I hate when you say "I hate that song" and someone goes "Well, you have to admit it's catchy" The f*cking plague is catchy, that doesn't mean it's good ! EmptyDim 9 Aoû - 16:59

Je plussoie MVD stress
meg + I hate when you say "I hate that song" and someone goes "Well, you have to admit it's catchy" The f*cking plague is catchy, that doesn't mean it's good ! 260456032 BIENVENUE SUR YIU balloncoeur2 meg + I hate when you say "I hate that song" and someone goes "Well, you have to admit it's catchy" The f*cking plague is catchy, that doesn't mean it's good ! 2425217757
n'hésite pas si tu as des questions **
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meg + I hate when you say "I hate that song" and someone goes "Well, you have to admit it's catchy" The f*cking plague is catchy, that doesn't mean it's good ! Empty
MessageSujet: Re: meg + I hate when you say "I hate that song" and someone goes "Well, you have to admit it's catchy" The f*cking plague is catchy, that doesn't mean it's good !   meg + I hate when you say "I hate that song" and someone goes "Well, you have to admit it's catchy" The f*cking plague is catchy, that doesn't mean it's good ! EmptyDim 9 Aoû - 17:29

Bienvenue et bonne chance pour ta fiche I love you
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meg + I hate when you say "I hate that song" and someone goes "Well, you have to admit it's catchy" The f*cking plague is catchy, that doesn't mean it's good ! Empty
MessageSujet: Re: meg + I hate when you say "I hate that song" and someone goes "Well, you have to admit it's catchy" The f*cking plague is catchy, that doesn't mean it's good !   meg + I hate when you say "I hate that song" and someone goes "Well, you have to admit it's catchy" The f*cking plague is catchy, that doesn't mean it's good ! EmptyDim 9 Aoû - 17:47

ARDEN bave
Bienvenuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuue parmi nous ! **
Bon courage pour ta fiche & have fun sur YIU stress meg + I hate when you say "I hate that song" and someone goes "Well, you have to admit it's catchy" The f*cking plague is catchy, that doesn't mean it's good ! 260456032
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meg + I hate when you say "I hate that song" and someone goes "Well, you have to admit it's catchy" The f*cking plague is catchy, that doesn't mean it's good ! Empty
MessageSujet: Re: meg + I hate when you say "I hate that song" and someone goes "Well, you have to admit it's catchy" The f*cking plague is catchy, that doesn't mean it's good !   meg + I hate when you say "I hate that song" and someone goes "Well, you have to admit it's catchy" The f*cking plague is catchy, that doesn't mean it's good ! EmptyDim 9 Aoû - 18:05

ARDEN bave bave bave
Welcome here pretty girl cours
Good luck for your admission file han han
Hope to see you soon meg + I hate when you say "I hate that song" and someone goes "Well, you have to admit it's catchy" The f*cking plague is catchy, that doesn't mean it's good ! 3541025950
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meg + I hate when you say "I hate that song" and someone goes "Well, you have to admit it's catchy" The f*cking plague is catchy, that doesn't mean it's good ! Empty
MessageSujet: Re: meg + I hate when you say "I hate that song" and someone goes "Well, you have to admit it's catchy" The f*cking plague is catchy, that doesn't mean it's good !   meg + I hate when you say "I hate that song" and someone goes "Well, you have to admit it's catchy" The f*cking plague is catchy, that doesn't mean it's good ! EmptyDim 9 Aoû - 21:03

bienvenue et bon courage pour ta fiche Léche
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meg + I hate when you say "I hate that song" and someone goes "Well, you have to admit it's catchy" The f*cking plague is catchy, that doesn't mean it's good ! Empty
MessageSujet: Re: meg + I hate when you say "I hate that song" and someone goes "Well, you have to admit it's catchy" The f*cking plague is catchy, that doesn't mean it's good !   meg + I hate when you say "I hate that song" and someone goes "Well, you have to admit it's catchy" The f*cking plague is catchy, that doesn't mean it's good ! EmptyDim 9 Aoû - 23:43

Bonsoir.  **
Je viens te dire que l'autre membre tentant le même avatar que toi vient de terminer sa fiche. Il faudrait que tu termines ta fiche d'ici un jour sinon, dans le cas où sa fiche est en règle, l'avatar lui reviendra.  meg + I hate when you say "I hate that song" and someone goes "Well, you have to admit it's catchy" The f*cking plague is catchy, that doesn't mean it's good ! 2210928828
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meg + I hate when you say "I hate that song" and someone goes "Well, you have to admit it's catchy" The f*cking plague is catchy, that doesn't mean it's good ! Empty
MessageSujet: Re: meg + I hate when you say "I hate that song" and someone goes "Well, you have to admit it's catchy" The f*cking plague is catchy, that doesn't mean it's good !   meg + I hate when you say "I hate that song" and someone goes "Well, you have to admit it's catchy" The f*cking plague is catchy, that doesn't mean it's good ! EmptyLun 10 Aoû - 0:31

Arden ** Super choix meg + I hate when you say "I hate that song" and someone goes "Well, you have to admit it's catchy" The f*cking plague is catchy, that doesn't mean it's good ! 260456032 bienvenue sur YIU et courage pour ta fiche I love you
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Contenu sponsorisé

meg + I hate when you say "I hate that song" and someone goes "Well, you have to admit it's catchy" The f*cking plague is catchy, that doesn't mean it's good ! Empty
MessageSujet: Re: meg + I hate when you say "I hate that song" and someone goes "Well, you have to admit it's catchy" The f*cking plague is catchy, that doesn't mean it's good !   meg + I hate when you say "I hate that song" and someone goes "Well, you have to admit it's catchy" The f*cking plague is catchy, that doesn't mean it's good ! Empty

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meg + I hate when you say "I hate that song" and someone goes "Well, you have to admit it's catchy" The f*cking plague is catchy, that doesn't mean it's good !
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